Portfolio Management
The process related to disinvestment decision making and the investment monitoring will be performed either on a full delegation (i.e. the AIFM delegates portfolio management to a licensed portfolio management company and retains only a supervisory / monitoring function) or advisory basis. In the second scenario the AIFM receives investment advice and will itself take relevant decisions, based on documentation provided by the investment advisors and other external information as well as subject to its own due diligences.

Risk Management
Design, implementation and maintenance of an adequate risk management process dedicated to each investment strategy and to each AIF under management. Risk monitoring using quantitative and qualitative limits as set forth in the AIF’s documentation and applicable laws and regulations. Creation and submission of periodical reporting to the governing bodies of the AIF as well as the CSSF or other relevant parties. Effective contribution during investment due diligences supported the AIFM’s specific IT system.

Establishment and maintenance of policies and procedures to ensure a transparent, appropriately documented and comprehensive valuation processes, in accordance with the valuation principles set forth in the AIF’s documentation and applicable laws and regulations; Valuation of the AIF and its underlying investments will be carried out either in-house by the AIFM dedicated team or by third-party delegated agents under the direct supervision of the AIFM.

Ensuring that the AIFM and the corresponding AIFs are managed and administered in accordance with all applicable regulations and laws including AML (anti-money laundering), KYC (Know Your Customer) and KYT (Know Your Transactions) duties performed on behalf of the AIFs. Constant update of internal procedures according to new regulations and circulars issued by the CSSF. Review and on-going monitoring of other service providers’ procedures and policies to ensure compliance of their respective activities and duties, on-side due diligences. Provide MLRO officer when required to the AIFs.

Co-ordination and supervision of all operational activities in Luxembourg, Liaising with the CSSF and the auditors, Execution of corporate governance, Distribution Support – Fund Registration, KIID and PRIIPs production, AIFMD reporting, FATCA & CRS reporting, EMIR reporting, Independent Directorship, Board/Shareholders Meetings, SPV and GP services.